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Monday, May 24, 2010

KC HLAA Picnic a Success!

It was a gorgeous day for a picnic this past Saturday, May 22, as the Kansas City HLAA Chapter celebrated its 2nd Annual Picnic for Better Hearing.

A highlight was 6 people signing up for HLAA membership and, as a result, Chapter President Dennis Selznick receiving a pie in the face during the HLAA Membership Drive. More than 50 people attended the May 22nd event, which included a free BBQ lunch, hearing loss resource exhibits from a variety of local organizations, door prizes, and a special presentation by Hamilton Relay.

KC HLAA Chapter Treasurer Minda Nelson was selected as Hamilton Relay's Outstanding Individual with Hearing Loss in Kansas Award, with Hamilton Representative Cady Lear making the presentation. There to celebrate with Minda were her husband, Steve, and 3-month-old daughter Vivian (below).

The KC HLAA Chapter leadership wishes to thank the following organizations and individuals for their donations and support of this event:

* Hometown Hearing - Shelia Cockman (Exhibitor and Door prizes: Free set of new hearing aids and $50 Applebee's gift cards)

* Hometown Hearing - Brent Peterson (Sponsorship: $50 worth of picnic food)

* Hamilton Relay - Cady Lear (Exhibitor and Sponsorship: Three BBQ meat platters)

* Midwest Ear Institute - Kristen Lewis (Exhibitor and Door prize: Dri and Store)

* Meniere's Resources - Sherry Mason (Exhibitor and Door prizes: Meniere's book and cards)

* Loop America - Christopher DenHerder (Door prize: Audio loop system)

* Deaf Cultural Center - Sandra Kelly (Exhibitor and Helpful Volunteer)

* KC HLAA Chapter Leadership - Minda Nelson (Membership Drive and Food donations), Dennis Selznick (MC and Drink donations), Alex Vetor (Food donations)

A huge thank you to all who attended the May 22nd picnic and for everyone's support of the Hearing Loss Association of America in Kansas City!